Earth Day Online

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Earth Day Online

Great news! Earth Day events have moved online. Since most of us are indoors a lot lately, it can be difficult to conceive of celebrating nature right now. That’s ok. has done the work for us, gathering a digital directory of global virtual events. Take a peek at the sample selection below and find more at

Of course, the best way to help kids appreciate nature, is to let them play in/with it. We’ve gathered a few tips for indoor and outdoor nature activities! A little celebration really is what the world needs now...don’t you think?


Earth Day Virtual Events

Help NASA Celebrate Earth Day

Kids 6-13

Hosted by the Sci Tech Discovery Center, Frisco, TX

“Discover worldwide projects that scientists need your help to finish. No degree necessary, only a computer needed to join in these games and puzzles that help NASA and other researchers uncover the secrets of Earth and space.”

Zoom link:

More info:


Blockchain for Social Impact

Adults & students 14+

Hosted by Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition

“BSIC presents results from it's 6 week incubator on four climate-focused challenges:

  • Mitigating Our Carbon Footprint
  • Designing Sustainable Cities
  • Peace & Prosperity
  • Abating Pollution & Plastics

Partners include Celo, KPMG and the UNDP Speakers:

Steven Haft – Climate Activist OG, Board Member of BSIC

Sep Kamvar – Cofounder of Celo speaks on “Natural Assets and the Future of Money”

Robert Opp – UNDP speaks on the importance of blockchain in climate issues

Fireside Chat with KPMG’s Sal Ternullo, ESG Expert”

Free to attend globally. Register on eventbrite:

More info:


Eat for the Earth


“Can all of the world’s people eat a healthy, sustainable diet? Yes! It is possible to feed our growing human population a healthy diet while simultaneously respecting the environmental limits of our Earth. Our diets hold the key.

In this webinar Rev. Beth Love of Eat for the Earth will share about the connections between our diets and the wellbeing of the Earth system. She will be joined by nutrition consultant Sandi Rechenmacher, who will illuminate the basics of nutritious eating. It turns out that eating in a way that is good for the earth is also good for you!

Register for free on eventbrite:

More info:


Earth Day Activities for Kids

Build a Fairy House

Age 3+

If you never built a fairy house when you were young, now’s your chance to do it! All it takes is anything you find in nature...twigs, leaves, stones, bits of tree bark make great roofs… Nestle your house under the fronds of an indoor plant if you can’t get outside, or outdoors at the base of a tree (anyplace it won’t get stepped on). As long as there’s soil and plant life nearby, the fairies can’t resist! Just don’t expect to catch them at home…

Step 1 - Gather materials. The focus should be on nature, so grab a pail and mosey around picking up twigs, pinecones, acorns, leaves, dandelions, flower petals, stones etc.

Step 2 - If your children are young, this is a great time to guide them toward respectful interactions with nature. For example, picking one flower from a single plant, instead of yanking all the blooms off.

Step 3 - Location, location, location. It doesn’t matter that much! It should be a place with some shade, surrounded by nature (ie. not the garage, if you can help it), and not underfoot.

Step 4 - Let the kids’ use their imaginations to transform their materials into homes for fairies.

Step 5 - If time allows, have the kids draw or paint a small card with a welcoming message to the fairy house’s new residents!


Helpful Habits

Age 6+

Sometimes even grown ups need reminding, so have the kids draw postcards with fun messages like, “Turn me off!” and post them under lightswitches. Ask the kids to brainstorm other ways that you and your family can conserve energy, like unplugging appliances when they aren’t in use, using a dish towel instead of a paper towel, turning the faucet off while you brush your teeth, and of course, composting!



Age 6+

If you’ve never composted before, Earth Day is a great day to start, with or without kids. Check out our Composting 101 <link to Composting 101> to see what kind of composter you are, and bring the kids along.

Young kids will enjoy peering into the compost pot every so often. Older kids may (emphasis on “may”) get a kick out of regularly turning the backyard compost pile. In general, the younger the child, the more fascinated they will be by, well, dirt and goo! Taking a scientific approach with older kids, and laughing along at any “ewww”s, may up the interest factor and even feel like fun.

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