Except for any products designated on our website as non-returnable, we will accept a return of new, unopened products in their original condition for a refund of your purchase price, minus the original shipping and handling costs, no later than five business days (as determined in the location of delivery) after shipment. Before you return any product, you must first contact us at and we must authorize the return to obtain a return authorization number (RAN). No returns of any type will be accepted unless you receive a return authorization number (RAN).
You will pay all shipping and handling charges on returned items, unless the returned product was incorrect or defective, in which case we will pay those charges. You bear the risk of loss during shipment. We therefore strongly recommend that you fully insure your return shipment against loss or damage and that you use a carrier that can provide you with proof of delivery for your protection.
Refunds are processed after we receive your merchandise and determine that the return complies with these terms. Any refund will be credited back to the same payment method used to make the original purchase on the site.
Find us on Instagram @committogreen