How to Set Goals for 2021

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How to Set Goals for 2021


We are rounding out 2020, a year full of twists and turns that tried our patience and our mental fortitude. For many of us, a new year symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start. Some of us find that setting goals can set us up for success in the new year. We’re sharing some of our tips for setting goals for a new year with sustainability as our continued focus! 🗓️


  1. Set aside ample time to think through and write out your goals for 2021.
    Example: I will set aside one hour during the last weekend of 2021 to write down my goals in 2021.
  2. Aim to write SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound (there are many variations but they all have the same general idea). These goals can be for different areas of your life, from personal improvement, work performance, mental and physical health and wellbeing, and more.
    Example: By March 2021, I will research the foundations of composting, gather the necessary materials to create a home compost bin (finding usable items around the home before making purchases), and begin separating my organics from my regular trash.
  3. Create checkpoints throughout the year to evaluate your progress.
    Example: In January, have I found the resources that I will use to learn all about composting? In February, do I know which compost system works best for my household and what materials I will need to set this up? In March, have I gathered all of the materials I need (like trash bin liners) to create this compost system?
    Commit to Green founder Shien-ru likes to keep tabs on her own environmental projects using the Flora mobile app!
  4. Identify an accountability buddy to help you stay on course.
    Share your goal(s) with your roommate or family member and set checkpoints. Ask them to keep you accountable, because what's better than your own support group?
  5. Find ways to reward yourself as you reach big (and small) milestones throughout your process. Everyone enjoys incentives, so treat yourself when you are one step closer to achieving that goal!
  6. Ultimately, cut yourself some slack if not all goals are met.
    If you’ve reached the deadline for your goals to be completed and you haven’t achieved them all just yet, don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, life is a marathon, not a race. Chances are, as you are reading this, we are still navigating the tail end of the pandemic and finding ways to maintain a healthy work/life balance, especially when many of us have made our homes our offices, too!


We’d love to hear from you. What are some goals you have set for 2021, and what mechanisms have you set to facilitate your success?

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