Scan and Begin Your Plastic-Free Journey Today!
When we dig, drill, travel, and visit coastlines and open seas, we risk impacting the health of over 225,000 species of marine life flora and fauna for generations to come. The good news is, every single one of us can make a difference in the lives of sea turtles, dolphins, and Beluga whales. And, as we like to say here at Commit to Green, it all starts with a bag.
You’ve already scanned our compostable beach bag, which means you know the benefits of minimizing single-use plastic in your everyday life and finding new opportunities to reduce, recuse, and recycle. Here are a few ways this compostable Commit to Green bag can be given new life this summer and beyond!
Wrap Your Reusable Water Bottle
Bring Home Wet Swimsuits
Carry Beach Toys
Pick Up Trash
If you want to take your involvement with beach and ocean life protection to the next level, we encourage you to explore and support some of the following organizations.
Here at Commit to Green, we believe every bag counts. So whether you’re using your beach bag to reduce consumption of single-use plastics, or you’re taking it to the beach to remove just one bag of trash and debris, you’re part of an epic movement for cleaner air, water, and land. One bag in your hands today, makes a difference for the world tomorrow.
Find us on Instagram @committogreen